:school: 2020-9-18 I joined Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technologies (SIAT) as a tenure-track assistant professor and an associate investigator.

Exciting things are happening here!

:video_camera: 2020-06-30 Virtual talk at Chinese Computation and Cognitive Neuroscience 2020 (CCCN2020)

Title: Fusing electron microscopy data and calcium imaging data to achieve functional connectomics

:orange_book: 2020-6-10 New paper published on Neurons, Behavior, Data Analysis and Theory (NBDT)

Paper “A zero-inflated gamma model for post-deconvolved calcium imaging traces ” was online. Congratulations to Wei XX & Zhou D.

:orange_book: 2020-3-25 New preprint on bioRxiv

Our preprint “EASE: EM-Assisted Source Extraction from calcium imaging data ” was on bioRxiv. Our computational method on fusing calcium imaging data and electron microscopy data was described in this preprint. The code was on Github.

:orange_book: 2020-3-2 New paper published on Nature Methods

Paper “Rapid mesoscale volumetric imaging of neural activity with synaptic resolution” was online. Congratulations to Lu R. et.al.!

:train: 2020-01-28 Seminar talk at Boston University

Department of Mathematics and Statistics.

Title: “Neural data science: from raw neuroscience recordings to scientific discoveries”

:orange_book: 2020-01-12 abstract accepted by COSYNE20

Our abstract “EASE: EM-Assisted Source Extraction from calcium imaging data” was selected for poster presentation at Cosyne20. I will be in Denver from Feb 27 to Mar. 1.

:orange_book: 2019-12-19 New paper accepted by ICLR

Paper “Short-and-Sparse Deconvolution–A Geometric Approach” was online. Congratulations to Lau et.al.!

:orange_book: 2019-09-23 New paper accepted by Nature Neuroscience

Paper “CA1-projecting subiculum neurons facilitate object–place learning” was online. Congratulations to Sun et.al.!

:car: 2019-05-22 young investigator lecture, SAND9

Pittsburgh, I’m back!

:orange_book: 2019-01-17 New paper published on eLife

Paper “CaImAn an open source tool for scalable calcium imaging data analysis” was online. Congratulations to Giovannucci et.al.!

:train: 2019-01-15 Presentation, SCGB NY-Area Postdoc Meeting Series

EASE: EM-Assisted Source Extraction from calcium imaging data

:airplane: 2018-11-02 — 2018-11-7 Attending SfN annual meeting in San Diego

I’m looking forward to seeing old friends and potential collaborators in this beautiful place.

:airplane: 2018-11-01 Upcoming presentation at UCSD

I’m going to give a presentation on calcium imaging analysis in the upcoming MCCS/ICLM workshop ‘Imaging the behaving brain with miniscopes’.

:orange_book: 2018-02-23 New paper published on eLife

Paper “Efficient and accurate extraction of in vivo calcium signals from microendoscopic video data” was online. Congratulations to Pengcheng Zhou et.al.!

:orange_book: 2018-01-31 New paper published on Neuron

Paper “Anxiety Cells in a Hippocampal-Hypothalamic Circuit” was online. Congratulations to Jessica Jimenez et.al.!

:orange_book: 2017-12-30 New paper published on Nature Neuroscience

Paper “The central amygdala controls learning in the lateral amygdala” was online. Congratulations to Kai Yu et.al.!

:orange_book: 2017-12-30 New paper published on Neuron

Paper “The spatiotemporal organization of the striatum encodes action space” was online. Congratulations to Andreas Klaus et.al.!

:orange_book: 2017-03-14 New paper published on PLOS Computational biology

Paper “Fast online deconvolution of calcium imaging data. PLoS computational biology” was online. Congratulations to Johannes Friedrich et.al.!

:school: 2017-02-01 New position at Columbia University

I officially started my postdoc with Liam Paninski in NYC. I will be affiliated with the Department of Statistics and Center for Theoretical Neuroscience.

:checkered_flag: 2016-12-02 PhD defense at Carnegie Mellon University

I completed my PhD denfense! Thanks to my committee members, Rob Kass, Liam Paninski, Geoff Gordon and Aarti Singh and all other people who continuously supported me.